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Meter Data Management System

MDMS is a standards-based system designed to rigorously process and prepare data for a variety of utility programs and operations. Read more

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This single, unified system consolidates metering, consumption and related data from all read sources in a centralized system of record repository. It standardizes data for use according to customer specified rules. Using international and industry standards, it interconnects field metering systems with a broad range of enterprise applications. Its analytic processes prepare data for a wide range of utility operations.

  • Data Collection & Synchronization:  Standards-based interfaces enable data to be consumed by the  MDMS from smart meter systems or smart grid devices. The MDMS then processes, formats and places the data in the proper context for any utility back office system
  • Distribution Network & Power Quality: The MDMS maintains the network connectivity model; it enables load mapping and stores non-billing data such as voltage and amperage to provide granular visibility into the smart grid infrastructure.
  • Validation, Estimation, Editing (VEE) Engines: Powerful analytic engines capable of processing hundreds of millions of register and interval reads to bill quality.
  • Exception Management: The workflows within the  MDMS focus on efficient exception management and the remediation of events related to the VEE process.
  • Billing Extracts: The  MDMS provides cleansed, framed billing determinants for each rate structure to the utility CIS and/or Billing applications on the billing cycle days.
  •  Analytics & Reports: The analytics and reports within the MDMS ensure current and valid, data is correlated using embedded business logic to turn data into knowledge.
  • Virtual & Net Metering: The virtual and net metering capability within the MDMS provides the flexibility to create both virtual meters and virtual channels to support accurate billing for complex metering situations.
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