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Gridstream® Connect Mobile Radio

The Landis+Gyr Gridstream Connect Mobile Radio (GMR) is a field tool device that replaces the Comms Adapter to enable communication with RF Mesh, Mesh IP, and Wi-SUN devices. Read more

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Enabling Communications with RF Mesh, Mesh IP, and Wi-SUN Devices

The Landis+Gyr Gridstream Connect Mobile Radio (GMR) is a field tool device that replaces the Comms Adapter to enable communication with RF Mesh, Mesh IP, and Wi-SUN devices. The GMR uses the standard USB-C serial cable to connect to a user’s PC. Two-way communication with the GMR provides the capability to transmit and receive data from AMI endpoints. The product is low power mode-capable which helps connect to modules in single channel mode. The GMR contains Landis+Gyr's Network Node, which is a fully functional, Network Interface Card (NIC) that is mPCIe standard-enabled for simple network and sensor device integration. 

The GMR requires Landis+Gyr’s TechStudio software. Using Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream Connect IoT platform, TechStudio provides commissioning, testing, and modification capability for RF network devices, including street light controllers, electric meters, gas/water modules, and line sensors, all from a single software platform.  

GMR connectivity models are available to support the following protocols: 

Part Number  Network Interface Card  Communications Protocol  Modulation 
T1501  Series 5  RF Mesh (L+G Proprietary)  FSK 
T1651  Series 6  Mesh IP (IEEE802.15.4g RPL IP-based)  FSK 
T1661  Series 6  Wi-SUN FAN 1.1 (Wi-SUN Standard)  FSK, OFDM 
Note: The GMR is not applicable for LTE-M networks. 
  • Supports RF Mesh, Mesh IP, and Wi-SUN protocols 
  • Supports single-channel mode connection to modules 
  • Uses industry-standard USB-C interface 
  • Powered directly from PC 
  • Americas