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Landis+Gyr GridFlex Control

GridFlex Control is a new solution for distribution system operators and energy companies for the dynamic control of distributed flexibility assets in the power grid such as micro generation, storage applications and loads. Read more

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By using GridFlex Control as a core function to increase the flexibility of the power system, utilities are well prepared for the challenges of the energy transition and can leverage their investments in an AMI infrastructure not only for meter-to-cash applications, but also to fulfill grid management use cases and provide grid services, unlocking valuable solution synergies.

GridFlex Control connects all components of an energy system and enables access and integration down to the smallest level: micro generation, storage application and loads – conventional as well as renewable, controllable as well as non-controllable, centralized as well as decentralized, connected via classic remote-control technology or as an integrated component of smart metering systems.

For higher-level systems such as virtual power plants or optimization systems, which elaborate the best control strategies for centralized and decentralized flexibilities based on the available meter and SCADA data as well as forecasts, the GridFlex Control solution provides secure access to each individual flexibility.

In this way, the interaction of all components and especially flexibilities can be intelligently controlled. GridFlex Control takes over the essential tasks of highly automated management, grouping, switching, and monitoring of the components and processes.

GridFlex Control is based on field-proven, horizontally scalable Big Data technology and integrates artificial intelligence algorithms. This allows the solution to handle the immense amounts of data that will be generated as part of the smart meter rollout and quickly arrive at meaningful and accurate solutions. The solution can integrate millions of households and businesses, harnessing flexibilities at every market location. It is operated via user-friendly interfaces in the web browser.

  • Enablement of flexibility potential for grid, energy market and sector coupling use-cases: power-to-heat, power-to-e-mobility (vehicle-to-grid), power-to-gas, etc.
  • Marketing of energy on futures, spot and intraday market as well as for balancing energy
  • Balance group management
  • Demand Response and Demand Side Management
  • Management for self-consumption optimization, grid fee reduction, energy portfolio optimization
  • Voltage stability, provision of reactive power

GridFlex Control available as Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Europe, the Middle East and Africa