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Jones-Onslow EMC Selects Landis+Gyr for Advanced Metering Network

Technology deployment supports utility’s grid modernization efforts

 ATLANTA, GA. – Dec. 11, 2018 – Landis+Gyr (LAND.SW) announced an agreement with Jones-Onslow EMC to supply advanced metering and intelligent grid network technology in support of the utility’s grid modernization program.

Jones-Onslow EMC, a rural electric cooperative based in Jacksonville, NC, provides electric service to more than 75,000 members and a portion of the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. The utility’s coastal location and growing membership make infrastructure planning and reliability improvements a priority.

“Our objective is to continually improve service for our members and updating our infrastructure plays a large role in this,” said Aaron Spencer, AMI Project Lead at Jones-Onslow EMC. “By adding intelligent devices and advanced metering to the grid, we will be able to improve outage response, more easily locate areas in need of maintenance and become more efficient overall.”

The utility will deploy Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream AMI solution, which includes an RF mesh network capable of communicating with a variety of intelligent sensors and devices, along with 80,000 advanced meters. In addition to metering, the solution is capable of supporting functions ranging from distribution automation and streetlight management to load control, advanced grid analytics and consumer engagement.

“The benefits of an intelligent grid are clearly being demonstrated across the country in both improved efficiency and reliability metrics,” said Tim Weidenbach, Senior Vice President of Sales and Customer Operations at Landis+Gyr. “We’re pleased to be working with Jones-Onslow on this important project and look forward to helping implement programs to support their customer service goals.”

About Landis+Gyr

Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions for the utility sector. Offering one of the broadest portfolios of products and services to address complex industry challenges, the company delivers comprehensive solutions for the foundation of a smarter grid, including smart metering, distribution network sensing and automation tools, load control, and analytics. Landis+Gyr operates in over 30 countries across five continents. With sales of approximately USD 1.7 billion, the company employs c. 6,000 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at www.landisgyr.com.


Dan Jacobson

Regional Contact Americas
Senior Marketing Manager
+1 320 307 7486