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Ecologic Analytics is Now Landis+Gyr

Following the acquisition by Landis+Gyr, the Ecologic Meter Data Management System (MDMS) is now part of Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream® smart grid solution suite.

The Meter Data Management System by Ecologic Analytics was the first product of its kind to be built from the ground up for validating meter read and consuming diagnostic data for residential and commercial service delivery points. This high performing application has played a vital role in its customers traditional meter-to-cash processed operations processing billions of meter reads for leading smart grid utilities for more than 12 years.

"As part of the Gridstream portfolio, the MDMS and its application extensions are now part of a holistic offering  that is well positioned to meet utility business requirements today and well into the future, said Richard Mora, CEO of Landis+Gyr North America.

The Gridstream MDMS and its SmartData Application Extensions work together seamlessly to enable customers to turn hundreds of millions of data points, into near-real time translation of events happening on the ground into meaningful, automated actions that the utility can proactively exercise to bear results for the business.

“The tighter integration between MDM and our other software solutions will pay dividends for our customers down the road,” said Dave Connaker, President of Landis+Gyr MDM Solutions. “Landis+Gyr is a smart grid pioneer and one of the most well-known brands in the industry. Adopting the Gridstream brand for the MDMS will further enable us to deliver on the promise of helping utilities be future ready."

For more information about the Gridstream MDM Solutions, please visit – landisgyr.com.
